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October 19-20, 2012 | Metro Toronto Convention Centre

•   If you are reading this guide then that means you will be
    attending the 3rd Annual ShesConnected Conference –
    connecting digital women and brands
•   We have been working really hard to bring you the best
    experience ever.
•   We created this guide to try and help you really prepare for
    the Conference.
What to Bring Checklist
Newbie Checklist
 Your personal identification and Eventbrite ticket    Names of the Top 3 Brands you MUST speak to
                                                       face to face! Send them a great tweet to start the
 A laptop, tablet (or go old school with a notebook)   conversation!

 A Smartphone/camera for taking pictures (be sure      Email addresses and phone numbers of at least
 to tag any photos you upload with “SCCTO”)            two other attendees (so you can connect later!)

 Chargers and power-cords for all your electronics     The address and phone number of the venue and
 (phone, camera, laptop, etc.). There will be          hotel you’re staying at
 charging stations!
                                                       Extra room in your suitcase for swag, prizes and
 Business cards with your name, blog URL and/or        perhaps unplanned shopping excursions (it is
 Twitter handle (be sure to order in time!)            Downtown Toronto!)

 A pen for making notes - even just on business        A small amount of cash for getting around the city
 cards - to remind you of whom you met and what        (cab fare/subway tokens)
 you discussed
                                                       Check the weather and pack for anything…it IS
 Emergency contact information                         Toronto!

                                                       Comfy shoes (and a great pair of heels for our
How to network pre-conference
Every Monday at 1:00pm &
9:00pm EST join #ShesChat
•   Join us every Monday from 1:00pm -2:00pm and
    9:00pm -10:00pm EST to share in our #ShesChat
    about diverse social media and blogging topics
    like; Conference Etiquette, Canadian
    Blogosphere, Writing the Perfect Pitch, etc.

•   Look for these events on our ShesConnected
    Group Page and make topic suggestions or offer
    your expertise to co-host an upcoming chat!

•   Follow @SCConference and the hashtag
•   Not sure how to participate in a twitter chat –
    click here to view a presentation that describes
    how to.
Networking Via Monthly Twitter
•   We host monthly twitter parties with all
    of our brands, partners and attendees.
•   On the last Tuesday of each month you
    can RVSP for the event.
•   The brands are on twitter connecting
    with you.
•   Better yet – we have great prizing too
    including items like laptops, Gift Cards,
    Games and so much more
•   You only need to RVSP once
                                                Click here to RSVP
Connect with Everyone on Twitter
We have created Twitter lists to make it
easier for you to connect with everyone
on Twitter. Subscribe to the following
Twitter lists and follow:
• Attendees
• Brand Ambassadors
• Advisors
• Partners
Connect with the Brands

• Visit our brands on the Sponsor
  section of the Conference website.
  There you can find more about the
• It also lists their social footprint so
  that you can engage with them
• Be sure to start engaging with the
  brands that you love before the

                                            Click here to check out our
Join the Conference Group on
• Join the ShesConnected
  Conference group right on our own
• Discussion section
• Event Calendar with events –
  remember we are dong a 30 day
  promotional countdown starting
  September 19th
Join our Work with Brands
• Want to start working with Brands?
  Well then be sure to sign up for our
• Most of our sponsors of
  ShesConnected Conference have
  implemented blogger and brand
  ambassador programs.
• It’s your turn to start working with
• Brands LOVE new bloggers
                                         Sign up Today. Click here
List your blog on ShesConnected

• If you have not done so already be
  sure to list your blog for FREE on
• Did you know brands frequent our
  site to find bloggers!
• We know that many of you have
  more than 1 blog so you can list up
  to 5!

                                        Click here to view Blog Directory
List your Business on
•   If you have not done so already be
    sure to list your business for FREE
•   A lot of bloggers are business
    women. We knew that when we
    built ShesConnected almost six
    years ago, that is why we created a
    section for women to list their
•   Free promotion for your business!
                                          Click here to list Business Directory
Check out Events on
•   We list all of our events on
•   If you are looking to find
    information about our Twitter
    chats, our conference events or
    Twitter chats with brands be sure to
    check out the events section so that
    you don’t miss out on anything
•   You can also list your event for FREE
    on ShesConnected too!
                                            Click here to check out our events
Connect with our Brand
• They are here to connect with you and to answer any questions that you
  have. Be sure to connect with each one of them before the conference.
  We have 15 of them!
Badges and Spreading the Word

• Be Proud! You are attending the Bloggers and
  Brands Conference of the Year!
• Go to our conference website and download the
  badge for your own blog!
• Impress brands when they visit your blog. You
  will show them that you area serious about
  blogging by attending the #1 Social Media
  Conference for women
The night before the Conference

• Relax, get a good night
  sleep so that you can get
  the most out of the
Frequently Asked Questions
1.    What do I wear?
2.    What to Bring?
3.    What about Food – is food provided?
4.    Conference Hotel. Is there a special rate on hotel ?
5.    Do I need to sign up for sessions
6.    Do I need business cards ?
7.    I don’t know anyone –what do I do?
8.    I am a newbie
9.    How to I speak to the brands?
10.   Is internet access provided at the conference?
11.   Are there any parties?
12.   How do we get to the parties?
13.   I have a sponsor helping me attending the conference – what can I do
14.   Where and when do I register – where do I pick up my badge ?
15.   Can I bring my baby?
16.   Can Men attend?
17.   Where is the ConventionCentre?
What to Wear
What should I wear?
In a group of women, you can bet there'll be a variety of looks -
everything from impossibly chic to incredibly casual. So please
do wear what you feel most comfortable in; if you feel like
wearing your personalized conference tee, go for it! And, while
some women will change for the evening events, there is certainly
no pressure to pack extra outfits unless you want to. We do
recommend you bring a GREY top, GREY dress, GREY blazer or
even GREY accessories for our “Shades of Grey” Party. Be sure
to pack comfy shoes and some party shoes!

 You said I could dress casual. Are there
 any exemptions?
 Please, no yoga pants, sweats, jammies or
 articles of clothing with slogans/offensive
 sayings. While we want you to look and feel
 your best, this is after all a professional
 networking event.
What to Bring
**Please refer to our "What to Bring" checklist.

Should I bring my laptop or tablet? What if I don't have one?
Laptops or tablets are encouraged, and there will be free Wi-Fi in
all areas of the conference to allow you to access your e-mail and
social media. However, some people feel that toting around a
laptop is too cumbersome and impedes their ability to network
and move through the conference area. It's completely up to you.
If you have a Smartphone and are able to tweet, post to FB and/or
check your e-mail, you may want to ditch your laptop in favour of a
good old fashioned notebook or a few sheets of ruled paper. We
promise that you will have LOTS of great ideas to remember!

How many business cards should I bring?
You will be safe with 100 cards. Please make sure your cards
include your name, email address and Twitter handle! Don’t forget
to order them in plenty of time for delivery before you the
conference! Remember, there are fabulous offers online close to
conference time in October!
What about Food?

Registration includes FOOD during the day
• Breakfast
• Morning Break
• Lunch
• Afternoon Break

You will be on your own for dinner. You are within walking
distance of many restaurants.
Hotel & Accommodations
I arrive early on Friday but can't check in until after the
conference has started. Where can I stash my stuff?
The hotel will tag your luggage and/or bags and stow them
safely away until you are ready to check in. If you are flying
in on Friday morning, be sure to arrive ready to mingle as
you may not have access to your hotel room to primp. For
quick touch ups, there are several public restrooms
available throughout the hotel and conference area.

Is Wi-Fi available in my hotel room?
ShesConnected is THRILLED to announce that we have
secured FREE Wi-Fi at all participating hotels.
                                                                               Renaissance Toronto Hotel
I’d like to find a roommate to offset costs.                                 1 Blue Jays Way- 416-341-7100
Please feel free to check our conference discussion board at                We have secured a special rate for the conference. 1 Double or
Here you’ll find help finding a roommate, organizing a car                     single room at $149.00 plus taxes
                                                                             Click here to book a reservation now
pool or other logistics-related topics.                                              * Complementary WIFI
Sign up for Sessions
    • You can view the agenda by clicking here. You can sign up for sessions here
      to make it easier for you to schedule your time at the conference.
                             You must sign up
You can view                 here if you want     Options for
 schedule,                   to schedule your     your mobile
  speakers                         time             phone

                                                  Sessions by
Do I need Business Cards?
•   Business Cards are a great idea
•   Get your FREE mini business
    cards thanks to our Sponsor
•   With the option of a different
    image on every card, upload
    your own artwork or choose
    from thousands of designs(how
    cool is that?)
•   All you have to do is pay for
    shipping. Better yet – you can
    get your cards shipped directly
    to the conference for only $4!
                                      Click here to Redeem your Moo Cards
                                                     for FREE
Help - I don’t know anyone
But I don’t know anyone at the conference!
Will I be a loner?

• Absolutely not! Just let a member of the SCCTO staff know that
  you’re riding solo – either ahead of time or at the event – and we’ll
  make sure to show you some love and make some cool

I’m nervous! This is my first conference.
• You are in good company! Don’t worry; all of our attendees are
   incredibly friendly and don’t be afraid to stay close to some of the
   conference veterans. They’ve pledged to take you under their wings!
Connecting with Brands
When will we be able to get up close and personal
with the brands?
We have dedicated time for networking in our
conference agenda, and this will be the best time to
introduce yourself and speak with sponsors.
However, please do not hesitate to engage the brand
representatives at other points during the conference
– the simple act of waiting in line for a coffee can
present itself with a unique (and perhaps valuable)
networking opportunity.
How can I distinguish myself from the other digital
Know your “pitch” – that is, what you and your blog
are all about – and then sum it up in two minutes.
Research brands ahead of time to find those are most
closely matched to your blog and blog audience, and
be prepared to both ask and answer questions.
How do I connect all of the Brands

•   We have a brand passport as a tool for
    you to connect with all of our brands.
    You meet with a brand and then they
    add a sticker to your passport. Its just
    that easy
•   Fill our the entire passport and u could
    win a grand prize!
•   This is a great way for you to connect
    with all of our brands and find out first
    hand what they are looking for in
Is Internet Access provided

•   Yes of course.
•   No you don’t have to pay an additional fee
    to access the internet either!
•   We understand how important it is to stay
    connected during the conference
•   You will receive the internet access code
    when you arrive at the conference.
Are there parties? Yes Two
Date:       Friday October 19, 2012
Time:       8:00pm – Midnight
Location:   TDB
Theme:      80s Party
Dress :     Dress up in your fave 80s styles
Food:       Appetizers, sweets will be served
            along with 2 drink tickets

Date:       Saturday October 20, 2012
Time:       8:00pm – Midnight
Location:   TDB
Theme:      Shades of Gray (Clean Version)
Dress :     Dressed up in the colour gray
Food:       Appetizers and sweets will be served
            along with 2 drink tickets
How do we get to the Parties
• We are finalizing the venues but they should be
  just a short cab drive away from the party.
I was sponsored to attend – What
are the rules Part 1
We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines

What you can offer to do for your sponsor:
• Wear branded or provided clothing
• Write sponsored content on your blog
• Provide Ad space on your blog
• Provide Consulting services
• Prize or swag giveaways on your blog, before or after the conference
• Include their information on your regular networking materials, such as business card,
   stickers, buttons, or bumper stickers
• Social Media amplification (tweets, Facebook messages, Pinterest pins)
I was sponsored to attend – What
are the rules Part 2
We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines

What you cannot offer your sponsor:
• Exhibition space: only official sponsors of ShesConnected12 can receive sponsor benefits,
   which include booths or tables in the exhibition area
• Materials or swag giveaways during the conference
• The dissemination of unsolicited promotional materials (see below for more details)
• Parties in the conference space or hotel: you are free to hold any events or parties outside of
   the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Please be courteous and not hold them during
   conference hours.
I was sponsored to attend – What
are the rules Part 3
We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines
Additional points to remember:

•   If you think your sponsor would like to become an official sponsor of the event, please
    contact Hollie at ShesConnected. You may receive a finder’s fee for any conference sponsors
    you bring on board!
•   It is strictly not allowed to hand out, or even place on the conference tables, any brochures,
    swag, or literature related to your sponsor. Conference staff will be enforcing this guideline.
    Any materials found will be removed. Failure to comply will result in a warning. Second
    warnings will result in the recall of your conference pass and possible revocation of
    attendance from the conference. Remember: If you would like to promote your sponsor, you
    may include their information on your usual networking materials. Some ideas are above in
    ‘What you CAN do’.
•   While ShesConnected cannot enforce what you do outside of the conference space, consider
    adhering to these guidelines for the duration of the conference days. Your peers will let you
    know if they’re interested
Conference Registration
When can I register for the conference?
Registration begins at 8:00am on Friday October
19th and will remain open until 5:00pm. Registration
will re-open the morning Saturday October 19th
until noon. Please have your ID and Eventbrite
ticket ready in order to receive your conference
pass. You will need this pass to receive admission to
all sessions, sponsored areas and parties.

At the Registration Desk you will also pick up your
SCCTO swag bag, and brand passport.
Come with a print out of the agenda and a general
idea of what sessions you’re planning to attend. It
will help to optimize your time or use the app on
our agenda page to get organized electronically!
Can I bring my Baby?

•   We are baby friendly – yes you
•   Even babies enjoy
    ShesConnected Conferences
•   Check out this great photo
    from 2011
Can Men Attend

•   Yes men can attend.
•   While the majority of attendees
    will be women, there will be men
    in attendance as well.
•   Check out two happy men
    attending our 2011 event!
Venue: Metro Toronto Convention

  Toronto Convention

   South Building, 222
     Bremner Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3L9
See you in

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Shes connected pre conference guide-2012 september152012v2

  • 1. Pre-Conference Guide October 19-20, 2012 | Metro Toronto Convention Centre
  • 2. Welcome! • If you are reading this guide then that means you will be attending the 3rd Annual ShesConnected Conference – connecting digital women and brands • We have been working really hard to bring you the best experience ever. • We created this guide to try and help you really prepare for the Conference.
  • 3. What to Bring Checklist
  • 4. Newbie Checklist Your personal identification and Eventbrite ticket Names of the Top 3 Brands you MUST speak to face to face! Send them a great tweet to start the A laptop, tablet (or go old school with a notebook) conversation! A Smartphone/camera for taking pictures (be sure Email addresses and phone numbers of at least to tag any photos you upload with “SCCTO”) two other attendees (so you can connect later!) Chargers and power-cords for all your electronics The address and phone number of the venue and (phone, camera, laptop, etc.). There will be hotel you’re staying at charging stations! Extra room in your suitcase for swag, prizes and Business cards with your name, blog URL and/or perhaps unplanned shopping excursions (it is Twitter handle (be sure to order in time!) Downtown Toronto!) A pen for making notes - even just on business A small amount of cash for getting around the city cards - to remind you of whom you met and what (cab fare/subway tokens) you discussed Check the weather and pack for anything…it IS Emergency contact information Toronto! Comfy shoes (and a great pair of heels for our parties!)
  • 5. How to network pre-conference
  • 6. Every Monday at 1:00pm & 9:00pm EST join #ShesChat • Join us every Monday from 1:00pm -2:00pm and 9:00pm -10:00pm EST to share in our #ShesChat about diverse social media and blogging topics like; Conference Etiquette, Canadian Blogosphere, Writing the Perfect Pitch, etc. • Look for these events on our ShesConnected Group Page and make topic suggestions or offer your expertise to co-host an upcoming chat! • Follow @SCConference and the hashtag #ShesChat • Not sure how to participate in a twitter chat – click here to view a presentation that describes how to.
  • 7. Networking Via Monthly Twitter Parties • We host monthly twitter parties with all of our brands, partners and attendees. • On the last Tuesday of each month you can RVSP for the event. • The brands are on twitter connecting with you. • Better yet – we have great prizing too including items like laptops, Gift Cards, Games and so much more • You only need to RVSP once Click here to RSVP
  • 8. Connect with Everyone on Twitter We have created Twitter lists to make it easier for you to connect with everyone on Twitter. Subscribe to the following Twitter lists and follow: • Attendees • Brand Ambassadors • Advisors • Partners
  • 9. Connect with the Brands • Visit our brands on the Sponsor section of the Conference website. There you can find more about the brand. • It also lists their social footprint so that you can engage with them • Be sure to start engaging with the brands that you love before the conference Click here to check out our brands
  • 10. Join the Conference Group on ShesConnected • Join the ShesConnected Conference group right on our own Network • Discussion section • Event Calendar with events – remember we are dong a 30 day promotional countdown starting September 19th
  • 11. Join our Work with Brands Program • Want to start working with Brands? Well then be sure to sign up for our program • Most of our sponsors of ShesConnected Conference have implemented blogger and brand ambassador programs. • It’s your turn to start working with brands! • Brands LOVE new bloggers Sign up Today. Click here
  • 12. List your blog on ShesConnected • If you have not done so already be sure to list your blog for FREE on • Did you know brands frequent our site to find bloggers! • We know that many of you have more than 1 blog so you can list up to 5! Click here to view Blog Directory
  • 13. List your Business on ShesConnected • If you have not done so already be sure to list your business for FREE on • A lot of bloggers are business women. We knew that when we built ShesConnected almost six years ago, that is why we created a section for women to list their businesses • Free promotion for your business! Click here to list Business Directory
  • 14. Check out Events on ShesConnected • We list all of our events on • If you are looking to find information about our Twitter chats, our conference events or Twitter chats with brands be sure to check out the events section so that you don’t miss out on anything • You can also list your event for FREE on ShesConnected too! Click here to check out our events directory
  • 15. Connect with our Brand Ambassadors • They are here to connect with you and to answer any questions that you have. Be sure to connect with each one of them before the conference. We have 15 of them!
  • 16. Badges and Spreading the Word • Be Proud! You are attending the Bloggers and Brands Conference of the Year! • Go to our conference website and download the badge for your own blog! • Impress brands when they visit your blog. You will show them that you area serious about blogging by attending the #1 Social Media Conference for women
  • 17. The night before the Conference • Relax, get a good night sleep so that you can get the most out of the conference!
  • 19. FAQs 1. What do I wear? 2. What to Bring? 3. What about Food – is food provided? 4. Conference Hotel. Is there a special rate on hotel ? 5. Do I need to sign up for sessions 6. Do I need business cards ? 7. I don’t know anyone –what do I do? 8. I am a newbie 9. How to I speak to the brands? 10. Is internet access provided at the conference? 11. Are there any parties? 12. How do we get to the parties? 13. I have a sponsor helping me attending the conference – what can I do 14. Where and when do I register – where do I pick up my badge ? 15. Can I bring my baby? 16. Can Men attend? 17. Where is the ConventionCentre?
  • 20. What to Wear What should I wear? In a group of women, you can bet there'll be a variety of looks - everything from impossibly chic to incredibly casual. So please do wear what you feel most comfortable in; if you feel like wearing your personalized conference tee, go for it! And, while some women will change for the evening events, there is certainly no pressure to pack extra outfits unless you want to. We do recommend you bring a GREY top, GREY dress, GREY blazer or even GREY accessories for our “Shades of Grey” Party. Be sure to pack comfy shoes and some party shoes! You said I could dress casual. Are there any exemptions? Please, no yoga pants, sweats, jammies or articles of clothing with slogans/offensive sayings. While we want you to look and feel your best, this is after all a professional networking event.
  • 21. What to Bring **Please refer to our "What to Bring" checklist. Should I bring my laptop or tablet? What if I don't have one? Laptops or tablets are encouraged, and there will be free Wi-Fi in all areas of the conference to allow you to access your e-mail and social media. However, some people feel that toting around a laptop is too cumbersome and impedes their ability to network and move through the conference area. It's completely up to you. If you have a Smartphone and are able to tweet, post to FB and/or check your e-mail, you may want to ditch your laptop in favour of a good old fashioned notebook or a few sheets of ruled paper. We promise that you will have LOTS of great ideas to remember! How many business cards should I bring? You will be safe with 100 cards. Please make sure your cards include your name, email address and Twitter handle! Don’t forget to order them in plenty of time for delivery before you the conference! Remember, there are fabulous offers online close to conference time in October!
  • 22. What about Food? Registration includes FOOD during the day • Breakfast • Morning Break • Lunch • Afternoon Break You will be on your own for dinner. You are within walking distance of many restaurants.
  • 23. Hotel & Accommodations I arrive early on Friday but can't check in until after the conference has started. Where can I stash my stuff? The hotel will tag your luggage and/or bags and stow them safely away until you are ready to check in. If you are flying in on Friday morning, be sure to arrive ready to mingle as you may not have access to your hotel room to primp. For quick touch ups, there are several public restrooms available throughout the hotel and conference area. Is Wi-Fi available in my hotel room? ShesConnected is THRILLED to announce that we have secured FREE Wi-Fi at all participating hotels. Renaissance Toronto Hotel I’d like to find a roommate to offset costs. 1 Blue Jays Way- 416-341-7100 Please feel free to check our conference discussion board at We have secured a special rate for the conference. 1 Double or Here you’ll find help finding a roommate, organizing a car single room at $149.00 plus taxes Click here to book a reservation now pool or other logistics-related topics. * Complementary WIFI
  • 24. Sign up for Sessions • You can view the agenda by clicking here. You can sign up for sessions here to make it easier for you to schedule your time at the conference. You must sign up You can view here if you want Options for schedule, to schedule your your mobile speakers time phone View Sessions by Tracks
  • 25. Do I need Business Cards? • Business Cards are a great idea • Get your FREE mini business cards thanks to our Sponsor MOO. • With the option of a different image on every card, upload your own artwork or choose from thousands of designs(how cool is that?) • All you have to do is pay for shipping. Better yet – you can get your cards shipped directly to the conference for only $4! Click here to Redeem your Moo Cards for FREE
  • 26. Help - I don’t know anyone But I don’t know anyone at the conference! Will I be a loner? • Absolutely not! Just let a member of the SCCTO staff know that you’re riding solo – either ahead of time or at the event – and we’ll make sure to show you some love and make some cool introductions! I’m nervous! This is my first conference. • You are in good company! Don’t worry; all of our attendees are incredibly friendly and don’t be afraid to stay close to some of the conference veterans. They’ve pledged to take you under their wings!
  • 27. Connecting with Brands When will we be able to get up close and personal with the brands? We have dedicated time for networking in our conference agenda, and this will be the best time to introduce yourself and speak with sponsors. However, please do not hesitate to engage the brand representatives at other points during the conference – the simple act of waiting in line for a coffee can present itself with a unique (and perhaps valuable) networking opportunity. How can I distinguish myself from the other digital women? Know your “pitch” – that is, what you and your blog are all about – and then sum it up in two minutes. Research brands ahead of time to find those are most closely matched to your blog and blog audience, and be prepared to both ask and answer questions.
  • 28. How do I connect all of the Brands • We have a brand passport as a tool for you to connect with all of our brands. You meet with a brand and then they add a sticker to your passport. Its just that easy • Fill our the entire passport and u could win a grand prize! • This is a great way for you to connect with all of our brands and find out first hand what they are looking for in bloggers
  • 29. Is Internet Access provided • Yes of course. • No you don’t have to pay an additional fee to access the internet either! • We understand how important it is to stay connected during the conference • You will receive the internet access code when you arrive at the conference.
  • 30. Are there parties? Yes Two Date: Friday October 19, 2012 Time: 8:00pm – Midnight Location: TDB Theme: 80s Party Dress : Dress up in your fave 80s styles Food: Appetizers, sweets will be served along with 2 drink tickets Date: Saturday October 20, 2012 Time: 8:00pm – Midnight Location: TDB Theme: Shades of Gray (Clean Version) Dress : Dressed up in the colour gray Food: Appetizers and sweets will be served along with 2 drink tickets
  • 31. How do we get to the Parties • We are finalizing the venues but they should be just a short cab drive away from the party.
  • 32. I was sponsored to attend – What are the rules Part 1 We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines What you can offer to do for your sponsor: • Wear branded or provided clothing • Write sponsored content on your blog • Provide Ad space on your blog • Provide Consulting services • Prize or swag giveaways on your blog, before or after the conference • Include their information on your regular networking materials, such as business card, stickers, buttons, or bumper stickers • Social Media amplification (tweets, Facebook messages, Pinterest pins)
  • 33. I was sponsored to attend – What are the rules Part 2 We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines What you cannot offer your sponsor: • Exhibition space: only official sponsors of ShesConnected12 can receive sponsor benefits, which include booths or tables in the exhibition area • Materials or swag giveaways during the conference • The dissemination of unsolicited promotional materials (see below for more details) • Parties in the conference space or hotel: you are free to hold any events or parties outside of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Please be courteous and not hold them during conference hours.
  • 34. I was sponsored to attend – What are the rules Part 3 We have Attendees Sponsorship guidelines. Please click here to review the guidelines Additional points to remember: • If you think your sponsor would like to become an official sponsor of the event, please contact Hollie at ShesConnected. You may receive a finder’s fee for any conference sponsors you bring on board! • It is strictly not allowed to hand out, or even place on the conference tables, any brochures, swag, or literature related to your sponsor. Conference staff will be enforcing this guideline. Any materials found will be removed. Failure to comply will result in a warning. Second warnings will result in the recall of your conference pass and possible revocation of attendance from the conference. Remember: If you would like to promote your sponsor, you may include their information on your usual networking materials. Some ideas are above in ‘What you CAN do’. • While ShesConnected cannot enforce what you do outside of the conference space, consider adhering to these guidelines for the duration of the conference days. Your peers will let you know if they’re interested
  • 35. Conference Registration When can I register for the conference? Registration begins at 8:00am on Friday October 19th and will remain open until 5:00pm. Registration will re-open the morning Saturday October 19th until noon. Please have your ID and Eventbrite ticket ready in order to receive your conference pass. You will need this pass to receive admission to all sessions, sponsored areas and parties. At the Registration Desk you will also pick up your SCCTO swag bag, and brand passport. Come with a print out of the agenda and a general idea of what sessions you’re planning to attend. It will help to optimize your time or use the app on our agenda page to get organized electronically!
  • 36. Can I bring my Baby? • We are baby friendly – yes you can. • Even babies enjoy ShesConnected Conferences • Check out this great photo from 2011
  • 37. Can Men Attend • Yes men can attend. • While the majority of attendees will be women, there will be men in attendance as well. • Check out two happy men attending our 2011 event!
  • 38. Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre Toronto Convention Centre South Building, 222 Bremner Blvd. Toronto, Ontario M5V 3L9